
Thursday, September 19, 2013

A matter of life and death

Hello again all. Sorry to have kept you all waiting. Welcome back to my past readers and Welcome to all new readers. Again as always I have to thank you all for sticking with me and reading my posts. I appreciate all my readers. I hope you all enjoyed my last posts and can relate to them. So let's get this thing on a roll shall we?

So I've touched the subjects of our local economy and our relationship choices and the impact "society" has on our relationships. But today I want to talk about something that every single living thing on this planet can relate to. Death.What is "Death" exactly? Well according to Webster it's "a permanent cessation of all vital functions : the end of life". Well Webster, I would agree and also disagree. But before I continue I know there are those of you who shy away from speaking about the topic of death so I don't mind if you don't want to continue reading. But for those of you who aren't shy about the topic lets carry on shall we?
                Now I was saying that i agree and also disagree with Webster so here's why. Yes death is when our organs can no longer support the functions the need to in order to keep us alive. But death to me is more than that. We've all heard when people say "I feel dead inside". How can anyone really know what it feels like to be dead? Death to me is the end of "Sense and Will". It has happened time and time again and to this day even doctors can't explain it. Some people can be perfectly healthy and lose the "Will to live". According to science we as humans on average can only use about ten percent of our brain's capability. So I believe some where out of the ten percent is our will to keep living. Something we're subconsciously telling our brain to give it reason to continue to do it's job.
         So lets go back to my first question. What is "Death" exactly? Well that's nearly impossible to answer. So many cultures have so many different beliefs in what death is.Some cultures in the world believes it's a scythe wielding skeleton in a dark robe. He carries a list and if your name appears on that list a simple touch is all it takes to begin the end of your life time. Which explains why a lot of people who were on the brink of death say they saw the scythe wielder.

            Some other cultures believe death is a woman. Some say she wears a white robe instead of a black one like her male counter part. Some say she's an old skeletal woman who caused the bubonic plague. In biblical terms Death is an angel who goes by the name of Azriel. One thing is for certain,  no matter what form death comes in, it's still the most certain thing in this cold cruel world of ours. A lot of people say they fear death or fear the thought of it but what they really fear is the thought of losing those close to them or leaving those loved ones. There's no reason to fear something we can do nothing about. The only thing we can do is embrace it and hope our loved ones will be able to manage should something happen to us.
              Hold on one second though, there is a lighter side to all of this. Really fast lets think of how things would be if we couldn't die. If people like Hitler, Osama Bin Ladin, Gangus Kaun and even past U.S presidents like Richard Nixon where still alive. What kind of world would we live in? What if the bubonic plague had actually managed to spread through out the world and we were all sick to the bones but couldn't die? What kind of torture would we go through wishing for something that couldn't happen?
             So you see everyone? Death is as much a good thing as it is a bad thing. Death is bad because we never want to lose the people we love but it's good because it keeps the balance of the positive as well as the negative things in this world. Everything we do is always 24/7 a matter of life and death.