
Sunday, December 29, 2013


My oh my, how long it's been since I've talked to you guys. I owe you all an apology. My life has been all over the place for these past couple months but I've finally found the time to come back to you so here I am.

So I have a couple subjects I want to touch up on that has come across my mind the past couple months. First and foremost, like a couple of my previous posts I'd like to get the ball rolling with a question so here it is. "What is Trust?" Well according to Webster Trust is "belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc." along with a few other definitions but I think that one just about sums it up. To me having Trust is one of the easiest things someone can have, but it's knowing who to Trust, and how to give your Trust to others that's the hard part. It's physiologically impossible to give 100% of your trust to any one because we as humans are a very caution species and most of the time we don't even Trust ourselves 100% of the time. So how can we give what we don't have? We naturally want to protect ourselves whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, and even sexually and Trust plays the biggest part in all of those things. But then that leads back to my question. "What is Trust?" Well I'll try to explain it in a way most people should be able to understand. Lets say your in a relationship (excuse this if your already in one HaHa) and your significant other comes to you, sits you down, looks you right in the eye, and tells you with the most serious face "I cheated on you with some one else". Naturally you would be appalled at what you just heard. The first thing you would say is "With who?" Then they would continue to tell you who the person is OR tell you it was with someone you don't know about. Right then and there before the situation is even over your "Trust" for the person has gone out the window right? Now what if your other then told you "Babe everything I just told you was a lie." Would you believe them then after believing that they told you they cheated? Have you gotten an idea of how positive and negative Trust can both be an illusion simply based on what we choose to believe? Trust is a very delicate thing and most people choose to take it for granted. I like to see Trust sometimes as a school grade. When you start school at the beginning of the year the teacher tells you that you've started this year with a perfect score of 100% and it's up to you to keep it there for the year. Most of us don't, we do things that will cause our grade to go down over the course of the year. If your grade goes down to a failing grade your teacher will then tell you that you can work to bring it back up with a little extra credit work and a lot of effort but it will never go back up to a perfect score. That's exactly how I see Trust. You can work to get it back but it will never be the same as when you first started. But sometimes in school your grade gets very low and by the time you may want to bring it back up it may be too late. It would be impossible to bring a 15% up to a 75% with only a week left in the school year. Sometimes our trust with people works the same way. Then again with a lot of people out there if your trust falls below a 95%  then you fail and that's it (I say a 95% because I acknowledge that we're human and none of us are perfect). So one more time I'll ask. What is Trust?