
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Love at no sight

Hello Hello Hello!!! Haha. It's been a few weeks yet again and I must say I missed you guys. I missed posting and helping you guys see the world as I do and hope you can understand just one more view on this cruel world of ours. Well lets get to it shall we?!

Have you ever loved or been loved? (Stupid question right?) Have you ever been IN love? (Probably an even stupider question). But lets elaborate. I don't mean the kind of love you get from parents or bloodline family members. I mean LOVE. The kind that only a significant other can give. The love that would make you put your own life on the line to make sure no harm came to that person. The kind of love that would make you question your own logic and sanity when you thought of the things you are/were willing to do for that person and how far you would go for them. The purest, richest, and deepest love is what I'm talking about here. Now here's my real question. Have you ever had that kind of love for some one you've never even met?
        I'm not saying the person is a complete stranger, I'm just saying you haven't met each other yet. You speak on a daily basis. Know the ins and outs of each others days and lives. Send pictures and maybe even video chat sometimes. Time has gone by and you've developed feelings for each other and it evolves into love. And then that love only gets deeper and deeper as time goes on and you find yourself entangled in the simplest thought of that person . Now months have gone by since you started talking or how ever long it may have taken but your current and different situations have made it extremely difficult to nearly impossible to have met each other yet. What do you do? It's not like your strangers anymore. Not like you don't what each other looks like. You just haven't had that first encounter yet. The first kiss, hug, embrace. Physically feeling each others presence.
          So what do you do? Go on as you've been doing. You wait and see how it all plays out. Wait and see if it was all meant to be or worth it in the end. If it all goes well then great everyone wins but then what if it all goes bad and then turns out to have been all for not? Then you see it this way: The world continues to spin. Yeah sure you spent so much time talking to this person and developing feelings for them and then just to find out it was all for nothing. Your allowed to hurt, your allowed to cry, feel regret, and even get past it. In fact going through all those things would be the best thing to do. But remind yourself to keep your head up and look forward to when things get better because no matter how bad things get remember it could always be worse. Rainbows don't always come after rain but during even the deadliest of storms the sun is just waiting to shine and let you see that there is always something good to look forward to. Also remember the biggest and probably the most important part to all of this. YOU NEVER MET THEM! And i think that should make things all the more easier Haha.

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