
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Coming to an understanding (pt. 2 Men)

I told you I'd be back and I really wanted to get this post out before I lost it, rather than waiting a week. I hope everyone in the northeast US is trying to stay warm. I hope this read will at least distract you all from the cold for a little while.

     So in my last post I made a few statements and asked a few questions about a few things when it comes to men understand women. I hope it was very insightful to the female readers While it only named three things we men don't exactly understand about women, the list is much bigger than that but I'll save that for an updated post.As promised this post will be about some of the things women don't understand about men.
     Here's my starting question and I'm sure it's already on most of your ladies' minds. Why is it that men only think about sex? Well ladies to me that question is more of a stereotype than fact. But also a little more scientific than you also realize. Most of us may not care to realize or accept this but humans are just one of the many species of animals on this planet. So what is in an animals most primal nature? To continue the species' existence. It's not that we men all choose to think about sex, it's that its pre-programed into our genetic nature to want to reproduce. While the craving for sex may be a little stronger in some men than it is in others nonetheless it's very hard to fight if not impossible to stop.
     So we men take you out on dates, wine you, dine you, fight for you, sometimes in extreme cases even kill for you. Yes we do it because we care about you, love you, and want to protect you from harm but it's also to protect our mating rights from other men and even other women who pose a threat to us and our "mating rights". So try to cut us a little slack ladies and blame evolution for the way we are. On to the next questions shall we?
     Why do men talk to women like they're one of the guys? Trust me when I say ladies that we're not trying to diss your sexuality when you talk to you like your one of the guys. If anything you should accept it like a badge of honor. It means we're so comfortable around you that we don't just see you as a friend, girlfriend, or wife, it means we see you as a companion. It means you've become the Bonnie to our Clyde. While sometimes we tend to take it a little too far just try to understand we don't always mean to actually make you feel like your a male. We're just trying to show that we think your just that awesome. So try to remember this one ladies, the next time he asks you to hang out with the boys or to play some video games with him it simply means he's sharing his world with you.
      Why do men get upset when a woman moves his things? This one might not seem like such a big deal to you, but ladies this is one of a mans biggest pet-peeves. Sometimes you might see the area of the house he uses the most to be a little messy or unorthodox, but try to remember that's exactly it. He uses that area a lot so of course when he puts something in that area that might not seem like it belongs there to you, it belongs there to him. No man likes it when he puts something down somewhere and then comes back later to look for it to find out that it's been moved. Especially when we ask you where you moved it to and you don't even remember. Sometimes we like to keep our things out in the open where we can see them, so when you put them up it creates a situation that makes us feel like telling you to just not touch our stuff. So I'll be the one to tell you before he does and hopefully save you a bad situation HaHa. Ladies leave his things be. If it bothers you to see the area in a clutter then just bring it to his attention and SUGGEST him to at least straighten it up, but you would be wrong to take it upon yourselves to move his things all together.

     So I hope these things have given you ladies a little insight to some of the things you don't understand about us, weren't too sure about, or you only thought you understood. We men are as complicated to you as you are to us, but if you really want to understand any man in your life whether it's your significant other, relative, or even some one you want to know then all you have to do is ask them before taking it upon yourselves to assume. The same goes for us men as well. Fellas a woman will respect you more if you just tell her upfront how you feel about going shopping or even the toilet seat issue HaHa. Trust me if he/she knows ahead of time it'll save both of you a lot of time in the future. We're not mind readers so we can only go by what we tell each other. Ladies if there are any others things I didn't mention in this post that you might be curious to know about men then feel free to leave it in the comments and I promise I will reply to all questions to the best of my knowledge. I might even have a question or two for you about women HaHa.

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