
Monday, January 6, 2014

Coming to an understanding? (pt.1 Ladies)

Good evening everyone and welcome back. I seem to have lost quite a few of you but I'm hoping to win you all back with this post and other. Hope you guys enjoy the read.

So this post will be another one of the subjects I spoke about in my previous post. Here's my starting question. Can men and women ever really understand each other? I'm sure the majority of you have already said "No", to which I personally agree with. To those of you who have said "Yes" to this question I'd be more than willing to read your reason in the comments section but please continue the post to understand my side and why I think we can't understand each other. This post itself will be majority of the things I among millions of other men don't understand about women.
       Being a man, to me trying to understand women is impossible. It's like trying to say the alphabet backwards while reading the alphabet forward, which might I add is harder than it sounds if not more trouble than it's worth. Which is exactly how I feel about trying to understand women. Most of the time it's more trouble than it's worth but it doesn't stop us as men from trying. So we use the direct women in our lives to try to get a better outlook as to why women are the way they are. If any of you men have been shopping with your girlfriends then most of you have probably endured the same thing
       You'd go into a store with them, they'd try on multiple things, and then leave the store with absolutely nothing just to drag you into another store with them. Sometimes this can go on for more than three stores. Why do this to us ladies? Now don't get me wrong because men do it too but it's more consistent with women. Here's another thing. Why do women make such a fuss when men leave the toilet seat up?
        You yell at us saying things like "What if I fell in?". But the fact of the matter is you didn't fall in. How many women complain to they're men about leaving the toilet seat up after he uses it? Now how many of you women put the toilet seat UP for us men when your finished using it? Complaining about falling in is invalid because you don't walk to the toilet blindfolded. You see the toilet before you get to it, and even if your rushing and running to the bathroom it takes less than a second to realize the seat is up.
         No man I have ever seen has gone to a woman and complained about her leaving the seat down because it doesn't take very long for us to put the seat back up and go on about our business. Now this next question is probably one of thee biggest questions among men today. Why is it that even in this day and age most women still won't approach a man. Ladies if you see a man you like or a man you want to get to know then make a move. Don't stand there and wait for him to possibly come to you. We're not mind readers and we damn sure won't think your desperate. We'll most likely think "Wow she must really like me if she made the first move". It's mostly you women who consider yourselves desperate for approaching a man because we as men would only respect you more for being real and bold enough to make the first move
        It shows us when you see something you want and or like, you go after it. Think of it this way ladies. You walk into a clothing store and see an outfit you like, you go get it before someone else gets it before you right? Did that outfit read your mind and come to you first? Did it ask for your number? No it didn't, so try to see us men the same way.
       Times are changing ladies so I think it's only fair that we men ask you to change as well. We men don't consider going shopping with you to be a date. Now that doesn't mean we don't want to go shopping with you at all it just means we wish you wouldn't take so long to get an outfit. Also stop with the complaining about the toilet seat. If we leave it up it won't kill you to just put it back down. We have to pick it back up to use it don't we? And last but far from being the least. Go after him ladies. Don't sit there and hope you've given him enough signs for him to make the first move because if you don't go get him there are those women who are already bold enough to go after him... You ladies are great but it's time to get it together. Try not to feel too picked on because my next post will be things you women don't understand about men. That's right my fellow men, it's our turn.

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