
Sunday, August 18, 2013

As we grow older. (pt.1)

Hello again everybody. Hello to those who have already read my first post and are returning, and hello to those who are new readers. I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to read and follow my posts. If you haven't read my first post I would recommend doing so before reading this one just so you can have an idea of the kind of things I'll be blogging about.

So I'll be getting a little deeper than I was in my last post. As deep as some of you may though it already was I assure you I can get much much deeper than that Ha Ha. In my last post I spoke on the economy and financial condition that the USA is currently in but in this post I'll be speaking about "The human relationship between male and female". It's kind of funny when you think about it really.
        No matter where you are in the world it's always the same. When we were kids we thought about how icky the opposite sex was. "Ew he has cooties" or "Ew girls are gross". But as we get older we start to see the reasons why our parents wanted us to think that the opposite sex was gross and icky. You see it's always simpler when your a child, it's always easy to see things in such an opaque kind of way. But it all changes when we get older.
        We grow older, the crushes we had on each other as children become more serious crushes once we hit puberty. Hormones raging, bodies changing, and before you know it that little boy or little girl that we once thought had cooties or were icky and gross are now starting to seem a little more tolerable. "Why?" you may ask. Well think about it for a second. If we grew up into adulthood thinking that the opposite sex was still icky and gross there would be a whole lot fewer people on this planet right now. Though when you think about it a little deeper that might not be such a bad thing Ha Ha. Anyway lets stay on topic shall we?
       So we go from thinking the opposite sex is gross and icky to having candy crushes on them and no I'm not referring to the game though the crushes are very sweet and cute. BUT it's the next phase after that where everything gets rocky. And that phase is when our candy crushes turn into mature likes. Once we're old enough to understand our feelings (which is right when we hit our preteens) the society of  where we live just has to butt it's ugly face through the door of our lives. Whether we're forced to like and be with some one we don't want to, or our friends and loved ones just have to have a say so in the person we choose to like, society just has to get itself involved. Now in some regions of the world (which I don't think I'll ever understand but I won't judge on) when a boy and girl reach a certain age, they're forced to be together by they're parents or families for the sake of the honor or name of the family. Sometimes it can be the boy or girl they grew up with or in other cases it can be a complete stranger. In either case it was society's doing and not the doing of the two individuals being put together.

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