
Thursday, August 22, 2013

As we grow older. (pt.2)

Welcome back guys and thanks for being patient with me while waiting for part 2 of my last post. You guys are probably wondering why I would even split it into 2 posts. Well think about it this way if you were or are an employer would you rather read a 1 page resume or a 2 page resume? Get where I'm coming from now? But anyway lets get back to this since I've kept you waiting for so long Ha Ha.

So in the last post I got into the relations between human males and females and closed the post of the subject of how some relationships are forced upon some people by society. But in this post I'll be talking about the people who have more so called "freedom of choice" when it comes to the people we "choose" to be with. What's with all the quotation marks you ask? Well lets stop and think about it for a second. Do we really choose the people we think we should be with? Has one of your friends or family members ever recommend and sway you into talking to someone? Well lets follow the pathway that leads to those questions and hopefully answer them.
          After Our candy crushes have matured enough where they could become serious likes, it's like society has to have its input after minding it's business for the first decade and a half of our lives. Sure some of us have full control over the people we choose to be with but how many times has that worked for all of us? Some may be lucky enough to have found that special someone and sneaked under society's radar but not every one with the "freedom to choose" has that luck. We're with our first boyfriend or girlfriend and then "BAM!!" they do something or we do something that allows the people in our lives to feel they need to have an input.
     Things like us or them having feelings for someone else, lies, cheating... the list goes on. But some where down the line we end up opening our ears to what they have to say. Things like "You shouldn't be with him/her." or "I know some one that you would be great with.". Have you ever heard the saying "If you hear something enough times you start to believe it?", well that's what happens in this case. You have so many people coming at you from so many different directions you don't know what to believe. So that person you chose to like is now out of the picture and in comes some one society chose for you.
           But here's where it gets really deep. You yourself are no angel. We've all been a member of society... giving some one else the advice we think they should take. Most of the time it's because we don't want to happen to them what already happened to us but other times it's because we're just following the crowd. So have I answered the questions in the first paragraph? I hope so. But MY moral to all this is anything that can happen with you and some one you chose can happen with you and some one society chose for you.
             So I hope all of this has helped you guys. No matter where we are in the world it's always the same. Society is the younger cousin of Jealousy and Friendship. Don't follow what society has to say about YOUR life and don't give society a reason to give it's input. Close your ears to Society but also don't be a member of society that is telling some one else who you think they should be with. Love and let Love. Grow old with someone you love and you alone chose to love. But also let others do the same.

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