
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's about time for a change!

Hey there everyone! This is the 1st post of my 1st blog so thanks a head of time for taking the time to read.

Lets start things off easy before we get into the deep stuff. If your someone who lives in North America then you know full well the kind of economy we live in. Prices going up and wages going down. People losing jobs simply because their company can't afford to keep them employed. But when you think about it, who else is there to blame besides our so called government?
          Think about it... Stores raise product prices because the product companies demand more money to make the product. They demand more money for the product because the government raises taxes for the company to keep producing the product. Now tell me if this makes sense. The government is so power hungry and greedy that they are demanding higher wages and more taxes to be paid from the people who CAN'T afford it but demand less money for the rich who obviously CAN afford it. 
        But here's the part that makes more sense to me. If the government was to lower taxes and prices back to say... how they were in 1999, where you could go to the store and get a candy bar, a bag of chips, AND a soda all for $1 they would make so much more money than they are asking for now because people would be glad to and want to spend that kind of money. Not to mention that would leave more money in our pockets to pay bills, rent, and what ever other things we may do with our money. 
    The USA is in such terrible shape that the president has become more of a figurehead to the public than the leader of the free world. At the end of the day he still has to answer to the government just the same as we do. Which is also why I believe the president isn't allowed to hold office for more than 8 years at a time because the government fears he would gain too much power from the people. But we as the people need to understand 1 companies that are nothing without their employees, THE GOVERNMENT IS NOTHING WITH OUT THE PEOPLE!!
        The government only has as much power as we (the people of the public) allow them to have for it's us the regular people who put them in the place they are now. And I think that's what they are seeming to forget. They keep us in place with the fear from the power we gave to them in the 1st place. They're NOT gods. Their blood is the same color as ours. They always tell us change doesn't happen over night. They always say Rome wasn't built in a day. Well neither was any other great city in the world. The progress of change doesn't happen over night but change happens in an instant. Faster than our brains can process it. The government want's us to think they can't make changes over night but the people with real sense know full well that's a lie. 

           If the government has the technology to find any one on this planet, any where, at anytime then they have the power (which we gave them to do with) to make change happen over night. If they were to say and put on paper "From today on prices and taxes will be reduced to how they were in the year of 1999 and will stay that way for the rest of time as we as human beings know it" and then put the official seal on it then it would be made law.  If you ask me or any one else who lives in the so called United States of America, that sounds pretty damn good. It also sounds like a progress of change that can happen over night. Broadcast it to the public across the country and see that it is change that happens in an instant. Now most of us know how a law becomes a law, but why does a thought need to go through so much to become a law? Because that's how they keep us in control. Product companies will lower product prices for store bought items which will in term save us more money, The more money we have, the more we can spend and the more money the government will make, and they'll make it a hell of a lot faster than they are now. That sounds to me like change that can happen over night.

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