
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Coming to an understanding (pt. 2 Men)

I told you I'd be back and I really wanted to get this post out before I lost it, rather than waiting a week. I hope everyone in the northeast US is trying to stay warm. I hope this read will at least distract you all from the cold for a little while.

     So in my last post I made a few statements and asked a few questions about a few things when it comes to men understand women. I hope it was very insightful to the female readers While it only named three things we men don't exactly understand about women, the list is much bigger than that but I'll save that for an updated post.As promised this post will be about some of the things women don't understand about men.
     Here's my starting question and I'm sure it's already on most of your ladies' minds. Why is it that men only think about sex? Well ladies to me that question is more of a stereotype than fact. But also a little more scientific than you also realize. Most of us may not care to realize or accept this but humans are just one of the many species of animals on this planet. So what is in an animals most primal nature? To continue the species' existence. It's not that we men all choose to think about sex, it's that its pre-programed into our genetic nature to want to reproduce. While the craving for sex may be a little stronger in some men than it is in others nonetheless it's very hard to fight if not impossible to stop.
     So we men take you out on dates, wine you, dine you, fight for you, sometimes in extreme cases even kill for you. Yes we do it because we care about you, love you, and want to protect you from harm but it's also to protect our mating rights from other men and even other women who pose a threat to us and our "mating rights". So try to cut us a little slack ladies and blame evolution for the way we are. On to the next questions shall we?
     Why do men talk to women like they're one of the guys? Trust me when I say ladies that we're not trying to diss your sexuality when you talk to you like your one of the guys. If anything you should accept it like a badge of honor. It means we're so comfortable around you that we don't just see you as a friend, girlfriend, or wife, it means we see you as a companion. It means you've become the Bonnie to our Clyde. While sometimes we tend to take it a little too far just try to understand we don't always mean to actually make you feel like your a male. We're just trying to show that we think your just that awesome. So try to remember this one ladies, the next time he asks you to hang out with the boys or to play some video games with him it simply means he's sharing his world with you.
      Why do men get upset when a woman moves his things? This one might not seem like such a big deal to you, but ladies this is one of a mans biggest pet-peeves. Sometimes you might see the area of the house he uses the most to be a little messy or unorthodox, but try to remember that's exactly it. He uses that area a lot so of course when he puts something in that area that might not seem like it belongs there to you, it belongs there to him. No man likes it when he puts something down somewhere and then comes back later to look for it to find out that it's been moved. Especially when we ask you where you moved it to and you don't even remember. Sometimes we like to keep our things out in the open where we can see them, so when you put them up it creates a situation that makes us feel like telling you to just not touch our stuff. So I'll be the one to tell you before he does and hopefully save you a bad situation HaHa. Ladies leave his things be. If it bothers you to see the area in a clutter then just bring it to his attention and SUGGEST him to at least straighten it up, but you would be wrong to take it upon yourselves to move his things all together.

     So I hope these things have given you ladies a little insight to some of the things you don't understand about us, weren't too sure about, or you only thought you understood. We men are as complicated to you as you are to us, but if you really want to understand any man in your life whether it's your significant other, relative, or even some one you want to know then all you have to do is ask them before taking it upon yourselves to assume. The same goes for us men as well. Fellas a woman will respect you more if you just tell her upfront how you feel about going shopping or even the toilet seat issue HaHa. Trust me if he/she knows ahead of time it'll save both of you a lot of time in the future. We're not mind readers so we can only go by what we tell each other. Ladies if there are any others things I didn't mention in this post that you might be curious to know about men then feel free to leave it in the comments and I promise I will reply to all questions to the best of my knowledge. I might even have a question or two for you about women HaHa.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Coming to an understanding? (pt.1 Ladies)

Good evening everyone and welcome back. I seem to have lost quite a few of you but I'm hoping to win you all back with this post and other. Hope you guys enjoy the read.

So this post will be another one of the subjects I spoke about in my previous post. Here's my starting question. Can men and women ever really understand each other? I'm sure the majority of you have already said "No", to which I personally agree with. To those of you who have said "Yes" to this question I'd be more than willing to read your reason in the comments section but please continue the post to understand my side and why I think we can't understand each other. This post itself will be majority of the things I among millions of other men don't understand about women.
       Being a man, to me trying to understand women is impossible. It's like trying to say the alphabet backwards while reading the alphabet forward, which might I add is harder than it sounds if not more trouble than it's worth. Which is exactly how I feel about trying to understand women. Most of the time it's more trouble than it's worth but it doesn't stop us as men from trying. So we use the direct women in our lives to try to get a better outlook as to why women are the way they are. If any of you men have been shopping with your girlfriends then most of you have probably endured the same thing
       You'd go into a store with them, they'd try on multiple things, and then leave the store with absolutely nothing just to drag you into another store with them. Sometimes this can go on for more than three stores. Why do this to us ladies? Now don't get me wrong because men do it too but it's more consistent with women. Here's another thing. Why do women make such a fuss when men leave the toilet seat up?
        You yell at us saying things like "What if I fell in?". But the fact of the matter is you didn't fall in. How many women complain to they're men about leaving the toilet seat up after he uses it? Now how many of you women put the toilet seat UP for us men when your finished using it? Complaining about falling in is invalid because you don't walk to the toilet blindfolded. You see the toilet before you get to it, and even if your rushing and running to the bathroom it takes less than a second to realize the seat is up.
         No man I have ever seen has gone to a woman and complained about her leaving the seat down because it doesn't take very long for us to put the seat back up and go on about our business. Now this next question is probably one of thee biggest questions among men today. Why is it that even in this day and age most women still won't approach a man. Ladies if you see a man you like or a man you want to get to know then make a move. Don't stand there and wait for him to possibly come to you. We're not mind readers and we damn sure won't think your desperate. We'll most likely think "Wow she must really like me if she made the first move". It's mostly you women who consider yourselves desperate for approaching a man because we as men would only respect you more for being real and bold enough to make the first move
        It shows us when you see something you want and or like, you go after it. Think of it this way ladies. You walk into a clothing store and see an outfit you like, you go get it before someone else gets it before you right? Did that outfit read your mind and come to you first? Did it ask for your number? No it didn't, so try to see us men the same way.
       Times are changing ladies so I think it's only fair that we men ask you to change as well. We men don't consider going shopping with you to be a date. Now that doesn't mean we don't want to go shopping with you at all it just means we wish you wouldn't take so long to get an outfit. Also stop with the complaining about the toilet seat. If we leave it up it won't kill you to just put it back down. We have to pick it back up to use it don't we? And last but far from being the least. Go after him ladies. Don't sit there and hope you've given him enough signs for him to make the first move because if you don't go get him there are those women who are already bold enough to go after him... You ladies are great but it's time to get it together. Try not to feel too picked on because my next post will be things you women don't understand about men. That's right my fellow men, it's our turn.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


My oh my, how long it's been since I've talked to you guys. I owe you all an apology. My life has been all over the place for these past couple months but I've finally found the time to come back to you so here I am.

So I have a couple subjects I want to touch up on that has come across my mind the past couple months. First and foremost, like a couple of my previous posts I'd like to get the ball rolling with a question so here it is. "What is Trust?" Well according to Webster Trust is "belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc." along with a few other definitions but I think that one just about sums it up. To me having Trust is one of the easiest things someone can have, but it's knowing who to Trust, and how to give your Trust to others that's the hard part. It's physiologically impossible to give 100% of your trust to any one because we as humans are a very caution species and most of the time we don't even Trust ourselves 100% of the time. So how can we give what we don't have? We naturally want to protect ourselves whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, and even sexually and Trust plays the biggest part in all of those things. But then that leads back to my question. "What is Trust?" Well I'll try to explain it in a way most people should be able to understand. Lets say your in a relationship (excuse this if your already in one HaHa) and your significant other comes to you, sits you down, looks you right in the eye, and tells you with the most serious face "I cheated on you with some one else". Naturally you would be appalled at what you just heard. The first thing you would say is "With who?" Then they would continue to tell you who the person is OR tell you it was with someone you don't know about. Right then and there before the situation is even over your "Trust" for the person has gone out the window right? Now what if your other then told you "Babe everything I just told you was a lie." Would you believe them then after believing that they told you they cheated? Have you gotten an idea of how positive and negative Trust can both be an illusion simply based on what we choose to believe? Trust is a very delicate thing and most people choose to take it for granted. I like to see Trust sometimes as a school grade. When you start school at the beginning of the year the teacher tells you that you've started this year with a perfect score of 100% and it's up to you to keep it there for the year. Most of us don't, we do things that will cause our grade to go down over the course of the year. If your grade goes down to a failing grade your teacher will then tell you that you can work to bring it back up with a little extra credit work and a lot of effort but it will never go back up to a perfect score. That's exactly how I see Trust. You can work to get it back but it will never be the same as when you first started. But sometimes in school your grade gets very low and by the time you may want to bring it back up it may be too late. It would be impossible to bring a 15% up to a 75% with only a week left in the school year. Sometimes our trust with people works the same way. Then again with a lot of people out there if your trust falls below a 95%  then you fail and that's it (I say a 95% because I acknowledge that we're human and none of us are perfect). So one more time I'll ask. What is Trust?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Love at no sight

Hello Hello Hello!!! Haha. It's been a few weeks yet again and I must say I missed you guys. I missed posting and helping you guys see the world as I do and hope you can understand just one more view on this cruel world of ours. Well lets get to it shall we?!

Have you ever loved or been loved? (Stupid question right?) Have you ever been IN love? (Probably an even stupider question). But lets elaborate. I don't mean the kind of love you get from parents or bloodline family members. I mean LOVE. The kind that only a significant other can give. The love that would make you put your own life on the line to make sure no harm came to that person. The kind of love that would make you question your own logic and sanity when you thought of the things you are/were willing to do for that person and how far you would go for them. The purest, richest, and deepest love is what I'm talking about here. Now here's my real question. Have you ever had that kind of love for some one you've never even met?
        I'm not saying the person is a complete stranger, I'm just saying you haven't met each other yet. You speak on a daily basis. Know the ins and outs of each others days and lives. Send pictures and maybe even video chat sometimes. Time has gone by and you've developed feelings for each other and it evolves into love. And then that love only gets deeper and deeper as time goes on and you find yourself entangled in the simplest thought of that person . Now months have gone by since you started talking or how ever long it may have taken but your current and different situations have made it extremely difficult to nearly impossible to have met each other yet. What do you do? It's not like your strangers anymore. Not like you don't what each other looks like. You just haven't had that first encounter yet. The first kiss, hug, embrace. Physically feeling each others presence.
          So what do you do? Go on as you've been doing. You wait and see how it all plays out. Wait and see if it was all meant to be or worth it in the end. If it all goes well then great everyone wins but then what if it all goes bad and then turns out to have been all for not? Then you see it this way: The world continues to spin. Yeah sure you spent so much time talking to this person and developing feelings for them and then just to find out it was all for nothing. Your allowed to hurt, your allowed to cry, feel regret, and even get past it. In fact going through all those things would be the best thing to do. But remind yourself to keep your head up and look forward to when things get better because no matter how bad things get remember it could always be worse. Rainbows don't always come after rain but during even the deadliest of storms the sun is just waiting to shine and let you see that there is always something good to look forward to. Also remember the biggest and probably the most important part to all of this. YOU NEVER MET THEM! And i think that should make things all the more easier Haha.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A matter of life and death

Hello again all. Sorry to have kept you all waiting. Welcome back to my past readers and Welcome to all new readers. Again as always I have to thank you all for sticking with me and reading my posts. I appreciate all my readers. I hope you all enjoyed my last posts and can relate to them. So let's get this thing on a roll shall we?

So I've touched the subjects of our local economy and our relationship choices and the impact "society" has on our relationships. But today I want to talk about something that every single living thing on this planet can relate to. Death.What is "Death" exactly? Well according to Webster it's "a permanent cessation of all vital functions : the end of life". Well Webster, I would agree and also disagree. But before I continue I know there are those of you who shy away from speaking about the topic of death so I don't mind if you don't want to continue reading. But for those of you who aren't shy about the topic lets carry on shall we?
                Now I was saying that i agree and also disagree with Webster so here's why. Yes death is when our organs can no longer support the functions the need to in order to keep us alive. But death to me is more than that. We've all heard when people say "I feel dead inside". How can anyone really know what it feels like to be dead? Death to me is the end of "Sense and Will". It has happened time and time again and to this day even doctors can't explain it. Some people can be perfectly healthy and lose the "Will to live". According to science we as humans on average can only use about ten percent of our brain's capability. So I believe some where out of the ten percent is our will to keep living. Something we're subconsciously telling our brain to give it reason to continue to do it's job.
         So lets go back to my first question. What is "Death" exactly? Well that's nearly impossible to answer. So many cultures have so many different beliefs in what death is.Some cultures in the world believes it's a scythe wielding skeleton in a dark robe. He carries a list and if your name appears on that list a simple touch is all it takes to begin the end of your life time. Which explains why a lot of people who were on the brink of death say they saw the scythe wielder.

            Some other cultures believe death is a woman. Some say she wears a white robe instead of a black one like her male counter part. Some say she's an old skeletal woman who caused the bubonic plague. In biblical terms Death is an angel who goes by the name of Azriel. One thing is for certain,  no matter what form death comes in, it's still the most certain thing in this cold cruel world of ours. A lot of people say they fear death or fear the thought of it but what they really fear is the thought of losing those close to them or leaving those loved ones. There's no reason to fear something we can do nothing about. The only thing we can do is embrace it and hope our loved ones will be able to manage should something happen to us.
              Hold on one second though, there is a lighter side to all of this. Really fast lets think of how things would be if we couldn't die. If people like Hitler, Osama Bin Ladin, Gangus Kaun and even past U.S presidents like Richard Nixon where still alive. What kind of world would we live in? What if the bubonic plague had actually managed to spread through out the world and we were all sick to the bones but couldn't die? What kind of torture would we go through wishing for something that couldn't happen?
             So you see everyone? Death is as much a good thing as it is a bad thing. Death is bad because we never want to lose the people we love but it's good because it keeps the balance of the positive as well as the negative things in this world. Everything we do is always 24/7 a matter of life and death.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

As we grow older. (pt.2)

Welcome back guys and thanks for being patient with me while waiting for part 2 of my last post. You guys are probably wondering why I would even split it into 2 posts. Well think about it this way if you were or are an employer would you rather read a 1 page resume or a 2 page resume? Get where I'm coming from now? But anyway lets get back to this since I've kept you waiting for so long Ha Ha.

So in the last post I got into the relations between human males and females and closed the post of the subject of how some relationships are forced upon some people by society. But in this post I'll be talking about the people who have more so called "freedom of choice" when it comes to the people we "choose" to be with. What's with all the quotation marks you ask? Well lets stop and think about it for a second. Do we really choose the people we think we should be with? Has one of your friends or family members ever recommend and sway you into talking to someone? Well lets follow the pathway that leads to those questions and hopefully answer them.
          After Our candy crushes have matured enough where they could become serious likes, it's like society has to have its input after minding it's business for the first decade and a half of our lives. Sure some of us have full control over the people we choose to be with but how many times has that worked for all of us? Some may be lucky enough to have found that special someone and sneaked under society's radar but not every one with the "freedom to choose" has that luck. We're with our first boyfriend or girlfriend and then "BAM!!" they do something or we do something that allows the people in our lives to feel they need to have an input.
     Things like us or them having feelings for someone else, lies, cheating... the list goes on. But some where down the line we end up opening our ears to what they have to say. Things like "You shouldn't be with him/her." or "I know some one that you would be great with.". Have you ever heard the saying "If you hear something enough times you start to believe it?", well that's what happens in this case. You have so many people coming at you from so many different directions you don't know what to believe. So that person you chose to like is now out of the picture and in comes some one society chose for you.
           But here's where it gets really deep. You yourself are no angel. We've all been a member of society... giving some one else the advice we think they should take. Most of the time it's because we don't want to happen to them what already happened to us but other times it's because we're just following the crowd. So have I answered the questions in the first paragraph? I hope so. But MY moral to all this is anything that can happen with you and some one you chose can happen with you and some one society chose for you.
             So I hope all of this has helped you guys. No matter where we are in the world it's always the same. Society is the younger cousin of Jealousy and Friendship. Don't follow what society has to say about YOUR life and don't give society a reason to give it's input. Close your ears to Society but also don't be a member of society that is telling some one else who you think they should be with. Love and let Love. Grow old with someone you love and you alone chose to love. But also let others do the same.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

As we grow older. (pt.1)

Hello again everybody. Hello to those who have already read my first post and are returning, and hello to those who are new readers. I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to read and follow my posts. If you haven't read my first post I would recommend doing so before reading this one just so you can have an idea of the kind of things I'll be blogging about.

So I'll be getting a little deeper than I was in my last post. As deep as some of you may though it already was I assure you I can get much much deeper than that Ha Ha. In my last post I spoke on the economy and financial condition that the USA is currently in but in this post I'll be speaking about "The human relationship between male and female". It's kind of funny when you think about it really.
        No matter where you are in the world it's always the same. When we were kids we thought about how icky the opposite sex was. "Ew he has cooties" or "Ew girls are gross". But as we get older we start to see the reasons why our parents wanted us to think that the opposite sex was gross and icky. You see it's always simpler when your a child, it's always easy to see things in such an opaque kind of way. But it all changes when we get older.
        We grow older, the crushes we had on each other as children become more serious crushes once we hit puberty. Hormones raging, bodies changing, and before you know it that little boy or little girl that we once thought had cooties or were icky and gross are now starting to seem a little more tolerable. "Why?" you may ask. Well think about it for a second. If we grew up into adulthood thinking that the opposite sex was still icky and gross there would be a whole lot fewer people on this planet right now. Though when you think about it a little deeper that might not be such a bad thing Ha Ha. Anyway lets stay on topic shall we?
       So we go from thinking the opposite sex is gross and icky to having candy crushes on them and no I'm not referring to the game though the crushes are very sweet and cute. BUT it's the next phase after that where everything gets rocky. And that phase is when our candy crushes turn into mature likes. Once we're old enough to understand our feelings (which is right when we hit our preteens) the society of  where we live just has to butt it's ugly face through the door of our lives. Whether we're forced to like and be with some one we don't want to, or our friends and loved ones just have to have a say so in the person we choose to like, society just has to get itself involved. Now in some regions of the world (which I don't think I'll ever understand but I won't judge on) when a boy and girl reach a certain age, they're forced to be together by they're parents or families for the sake of the honor or name of the family. Sometimes it can be the boy or girl they grew up with or in other cases it can be a complete stranger. In either case it was society's doing and not the doing of the two individuals being put together.